Czasopisma zagraniczne

Czasopisma zagraniczne dostępne w Bibliotece APS oraz z dostępem online (w nawiasach podane są lata zgromadzone w Bibliotece). Wykaz czasopism polskich zob.: CZASOPISMA

  1. Aggression and Violent Behavior (1999-2016)
  2. American Annals of the Deaf (1993-2011)
  3. American Journal of Mental Deficiency : AJMD (1955-1986) 
  4. American Journal of Occupational Therapy : AJOT (2008-2012)
  5. American Journal of Sociology : AJS (2007-2012, 2016-2017)
  6. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities : AJIDD (2009-2012)
  7. American Journal on Mental Retardation : AJMR (1987-2008)
  8. Annuaire International de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement (1946-1962)
  9. Applied and Preventive Psychology : APP (1994-2000)
  10. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback  (1999)
  11. Art Therapy : journal of the American Art Therapy Association (2010) (Instytut Edukacji Artystycznej)
  12. Autism (2012-2017)
  13. Behaviour Research and Therapy (1973-2003)
  14. Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung (1994-2000)
  15. Beiträge zur Kinderforschung : mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Pädagogischer Zwecke (1898, 1903-1904)
  16. Beiträge zur Kinderforschung und Heilerziehung : Beihefte zur "Zeitschrift für Kinderforschung" (1901-1922)
  17. Blätter für Taubstummenbildung (1887-1934)
  18. Der Blindenfreund : Zeitschrift fur Verbesserung des Loses der Blinden  (1912)
  19. The British Association of Teachers of the Deaf Magazine (1998)
  20. British Educational Research Journal (2007-2009)
  21. The British Journal of Clinical Psychology (1994-2009)
  22. British Journal of Learning Disabilities (1994-2011)
  23. British Journal of Mental Subnormality  (1973-1989)
  24. British Journal of Occupational Therapy (2008-2017)
  25. British Journal of Special Education (1983-2011)
  26. The British Journal of Visual Impairment : BJVI (1995-2011)
  27. Bulletin de l'Union Mondiale des Organismes pour la Sauvegarde de l'Enfance et de l'Adolescence (1974-1979)
  28. Child : care, health and development (1993-1997)
  29. Child Development (1994-2001)
  30. Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography (1994-1998)
  31. Child Maltreatment (1998-2006)
  32. Children & Society  (1996, 1998-1999)
  33. Courrier (1958-1960)
  34. Creativity Research Journal  (1998-2000)
  35. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health (1994-2001)
  36. Criminal Justice and Behavior (1994-2001)
  37. Current Contents (1994-1995)
  38. Current Sociology (2009-2012)
  39. Deafness and Education : the journal of British Association of Teachers of Deaf (1997-1998)
  40. Deafness & Education International : the journal of the British Association of Teachers of the Deaf (1999-2005)
  41. Depression and Anxiety (1994-1999)
  42. Disability & Society (1944-2000)
  43. Disability International (1997-2007)
  44. DSH Abstracts (1975-1977)
  45. EOS : Vierteljahrsschrift für die Erkenntnis und Behandlung Jugendlicher Abnormer (1909,1911,1913-1914)
  46. Enfance (1955-1977)
  47. Epanouir (1975-1977)
  48. Erziehung und Unterricht  (1974-1977)
  49. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (1994-2011)
  50. European Journal of Psychology of Education : EJPE (2008-2016)
  51. European Journal of Social Work (2007-2011)
  52. European Journal of Special Needs Education (1994-2017)
  53. Exceptional Children (1965-1967/1968)
  54. Exceptionality (1999/2000)
  55. Family and Conciliation Courts Review (1994-2000)
  56. Family Court Review (2001-2002)
  57. Feminism & Psychology (1994-1999)
  58. Die Gegenwart : Magazin für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen und ihre Freunde (1988-2002)
  59. Das Hochschulwesen : HSW  (1994-1999)
  60. Hörgeschädigte Kinder (1990-2002)
  61. Horus (1998-2006)
  62. Injury Prevention  (1999-2002)
  63. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities : IDD (2007-2010, 2012-2017)
  64. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology  (1998-2000)
  65. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research : IJRR (1978, 1981-1983)
  66. International Review of Education (2003-2011)
  67. International Social Work (2007-2017)
  68. International Sociology (2009-2012)
  69. The Journal for Special Educators  (1983)
  70. Journal of Abnormal Psychology (1973-1997, 1990-2011)
  71. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis (1973-1977)
  72. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities : JARID (1996-2016)
  73. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (1994-2009)
  74. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines (1989-1990, 1994-1995, 2001)
  75. Journal of Child Psychotherapy (1994-2011)
  76. Journal of Clinical Child Psychology (1994-2001)
  77. Journal of Clinical Psychology (1997-2009)
  78. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology (1973-1980, 1993)
  79. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education (1998-2011)
  80. Journal of Early Intervention : JEI (1994-2010, 2012-2015)
  81. The Journal of Education (1949-1958)
  82. The Journal of Educational Psychology (1950, 1973-1977)
  83. Journal of Family Issues (1998-2000)
  84. Journal of Family Psychology (1994-2011)
  85. Journal of Interpersonal Violence  (1994-2007)
  86. Journal of Low Vision and Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation (1997-1998)
  87. Journal of Mental Deficiency Research : JMDR (1973-1980)
  88. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1973-1980, 1999-2003, 2009-2012)
  89. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology : JSCP (2008-2009)
  90. The Journal of Social Psychology (1990-2001)
  91. The Journal of Special Education (1973-1985)
  92. Journal of Speech and Hearing Disorders (1973-1990)
  93. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research : JSLHR (1991-2009)
  94. The Journal of Vision Rehabilitation : JVR  (1987-1991, 1995-1996)
  95. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness : JVIB (1987-2011)
  96. The Journal of the British Association of Teachers of the Deaf (1994-1996) 
  97. L'année Psychologique (1924-1939)
  98. L'educazione dei Sordomuti (1970-1971, 1973, 1978)
  99. Mental Handicap Research (1994)
  100. Mental Retardation (1974-1975, 1994-2006) 
  101. Neue Praxis : NP : Zeitschrift für Sozialarbeit, Sozialpädagogik und Sozialpolitik (1998-2006)
  102. The New Educational Review (2016-2020) 
  103. Otázky Defektologie (1970/1971-1984/1985)
  104. Pädagogische Forschung (1972-1990)
  105. Personality and Individual Differences (1994-2002)
  106. The Prison Journal (1998-2006)
  107. Probleme und Ergebenisse der Psychologie (1982)
  108. Prospects (1984-1992)
  109. Psychoanalytic Abstracts (1994-1996, 1998-1999)
  110. Psychological Abstracts (1973-1980)
  111. Psychologie Heute (1994-2009)
  112. Psychology and Psychoterapy (2008-2009)
  113. Psychology in the Schools (1999-2016)
  114. Psychology of Women Quartely (1994-2000)
  115. Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (1969-1970, 1972-1974)
  116. Remedial and Special Education : RASE (1984, 1988-2006)
  117. Review of the European Blind (1973-1991)
  118. Revue Générale de L'enseignement des Sourds-Muets (1914, 1917)
  119. Schul-Management (1994-2007)
  120. Sonderpädagogik (1983-1990)
  121. Die Sonderschule (1956-1957)
  122. Sonnenberg (1966, 1974-1976)
  123. Special Educational Needs Abstracts (1992-2011)
  124. Studies in Art Education (2009, 2011) (Instytut Edukacji Artystycznej)
  125. The Teacher of the Deaf (1929-1930)
  126. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education (1995-2011)
  127. Topics in Language Disorders (1993-2006)
  128. Unser Schaffen (1968, 1970-1971, 1977)
  129. Unterrichtswissenschaft (1993-2000)
  130. Vierteljahresschrift für Heilpädagogik und ihre Nachbargebiete : VHN (1973-1989)
  131. Violence Against Women (1998-1999)
  132. The Volta Review (1991-1996, 2002-2004)
  133. Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik (1973-2017)
  134. Zeitschrift für Kinderforschung (1922-1940)
  135. Zeitschrift für Pädagogik (1993-2011)
  136. Zeitschrift für Soziologie der Erziehung und Sozialisation : ZSE (2007-2009)