ENTER Conference 2025: Call for Abstracts

Aktualizacja: 06-02-2025

"Trauma, the workforce and the workplace." ENTER Mental Health is pleased to announce that it will hold its annual conference for 2025 in association with the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin. The date for your diary is the 19th June 2025. This will mark the 25th anniversary of the inaugural conference. The programme will feature keynote sessions, parallel sessions, poster presentations and interactive workshops. Submissions are invited for parties interested in each of these categories.​ ​

Conference Theme

The conference theme for 2025 is ‘Trauma, the workforce and the workplace’, to dovetail with ENTER Mental Health’s current research theme and follows on from our conference in Warsaw 2024. Participants are invited to submit abstracts for consideration under the following seven subthemes:

​1. Understanding trauma, the workforce and its environment
2. Legal and ethical considerations - Navigating the legal landscape of workplace trauma
3. Research methodologies for trauma in the workplace
4. Trauma and organisational change
5. Prevention and resilience: Supporting recovery and resilience
6. Intersectionality and trauma in the workplace
7. The future of work - Emerging trends impacting on trauma in the workforce

For further details see the ENTER Conference 2025 page.

Call for abstracts

We are pleased to announce that the call for abstracts for the conference is now open. The call for abstracts will close on the 28th February 2025.

​Click here to download the abstract submission form. Abstracts should be submitted to: entermentalhealth@gmail.com

Conference Details

Attendance at this conference will be free.

Book of Abstracts

A book of abstracts will be published for the conference.



Opublikowano: 07-01-2025