Meeting with the Rector of Open University of Cyprus Prof. Petros Pashiardis and Prof. Stefan Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz


Prof. Petros Pashiardis Rector Magnificus of the Open University of Cyprus, our partner university and prof. Stefan Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz from the Austrian University of Klagenfurt (AAU), discussed new joint project plans.

A working meeting with the Professors, which engaged with the Leadership in Education took place in the new Vice-Rector's office. The working meeting held many promisses for envigorating our academic links and transforming educational leadership in our region. 

Professors discussed Opportunities for visiting professorship program at Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw and the upcoming 16th UNESCO International Summer School 2023.

"A day filled with opportunities and novel ideas inspires me to not give up our long-term plans and to continue engaging our networks wisely" said prof. Anna Odrowaz-Coates,the host.. "This meeting was very intense but I feel that it gave me the extra strength to keep going. Sometimes you just need to spend some time with the right people to see then new horizon" she continued.  The meeting was completed by the visit by Dr Lidia Zablocka-Zytka, who discussed joint publication plans and offered additional expertise required for our future plans. 

*Stefan Brauckmann-Sajkiewicz is the holder of the Chair on Quality Development and Quality Assurance in Education at the Institute of instructional and school development.

Professors during the meeting with prof. Odrowąż-Coates

