APS cooperation with the International Community Stress Prevention Center from Israel


Dr. Lidia Zabłocka-Żytka initiated the cooperation of our University with the well-known academic and therapeutic centre - the International Community Stress Prevention Center from Israel. Collaboration is supported by ELNET: European Leadership Network.
 The cooperation is a response to significant needs for additional training for psychologists, educators, social workers, or simply volunteers who work with people in refugee situation, including children and adolescents. The Israeli center provides experience in dealing with trauma, acquired through years of responding to conflicts and acts of terror in various places of the world.
Professor Mooli Lahad from Tel-Hai College, specializing in drama therapy and coping with stress spoke excitedly about the opportunities to share experiences and provide tools for Polish trainers under the initiative Train the trainer. The idea is to cascade the knowledge from the trainers, through members of organizations to the community itself.

