Mieczysław Sędzicki Phd

Position: adjunct

Institute: Institute of Pedagogy

Unit : Departament of Social Prevention and Social Work


E-mail: msedzicki[at]aps.edu.pl

Social media: Facebook

Main research areas

  • orphanhood, family dysfunction, foster care, cultural animation, public relations

Publications, conferences, events


  • PhD in social sciences, numerous courses completed, including cultural and arts manager, leisure time animator, postgraduate studies in educational management, correctional pedagogy.

    More than ten years of work as an educator in care institutions, management of European projects supported by the ESF in the field of vocational specialisation and higher education in social welfare, long-time president and member of the boards of non-governmental organisations, initiator of artistic and animation projects for the benefit of people with disabilities, passionate entertainer, leisure time animator. Organiser of leisure activities for children and adolescents. Promoter of the idea of 'the pedagogy of the heart' by Maria Łopatkowa.

fotografia osoby Mieczysław Sędzicki