Iwona Konieczna Phd

Position: assistant professor

Institute: Institute of Special Education

Unit : Department of Education and Rehabilitation of People with Intellectual Disabilities


E-mail: ikonieczna[at]aps.edu.pl

Phone: 22 589-36-00 wew. 3518

Main research areas

  • feeling of quality of life of people with chronic disease and movement disability in different areas of their functioning, process of education and supporting of children with special education needs, assessment of communicational competencies of children with special education needs (especially children with chronic disease and children with Autism disorder).

Publications, conferences, events


  • Academic career 


    PhD, Pedagogy Department, The Maria Grzegorzewska University (2012)

    Speech therapist, Educational Research Institute Pedagogy, Ministry of National Education in Warsaw (2008)

    Master of special pedagogy, specialty: therapeutic pedagogy and pre-school education




    Konieczna Iwona (2019). Communication competences of students with special education needs and teachers as a “tool” on the way to inclusion, W: ICERI2019 proceedings : 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Seville, Spain 11-13 November 2019 / Gómez Chova Luis , López Martínez Alberto , Candel Torres Ignacio, 2019, IATED Academy, ISBN 978-84-09-14755-7, ss. 5627-5631, DOI:10.21125/iceri.2019.1352

    Konieczna Iwona (2019). Teachers' narratives about working with children with cancer in a hospital school, w: ICERI2019 proceedings : 12th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation Seville, Spain 11-13 November 2019 / Gómez Chova Luis , López Martínez Alberto , Candel Torres Ignacio, 2019, IATED Academy, ISBN 978-84-09-14755-7, ss. 10063-10067, DOI:10.21125/iceri.2019.2467

    Konieczna, I. (2013). Budowanie poczucia koherencji u dzieci z chorobą reumatyczną. [Building of a sense of coherence in children with chronic disease]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo APS.

    Konieczna, I. (2017). Zasoby osobiste i społeczne człowieka w sytuacji doświadczania choroby przewlekłej. [Personal and social resources of a man in chronic disease situation]. Człowiek – Niepełnosprawność – Społeczeństwo, 4 (38), 57–73.

    Konieczna, I. (2016). Autopercepcja u dzieci z chorobą przewlekłą. [Self-perception in children with chronic disease]. Forum Pedagogiczne, 1, 233–246.

    Research projects

    Model of communication competences of people with Asperger syndrome (no. BSTP / 8/15 - I) - contractor

    Model of supporting a child with autism spectrum disorders in an educational situation (no. BSTP / 4/15 - I) – head

    Questionnaire for the functional assessment of communication competences of students with Asperger Syndrome - psychometric assessment of the tool (BSTP No. 4/17 - I) - 2016/2017 - co-contractor

    Strategies disclosed by children with chronic disease when talking to an adult (BSTP 4/18-I) - 2018/2019 project manager

    Positions held 


    Deputy Director of Institute of Special Education (since  2019)

    Member of the University Recruitment Committee continuously since 2011; currently the Appeals Review Team

    Member of the Polish Society of Special Pedagogues

    Member of the Teaching & Education Research Association

    Member of the Association of North America Higher Education International

    Member of the editorial team of the “Special School” journal

    Reviewer at The Central Examination Board

fotografia osoby Iwona  Konieczna