Aleksandra Gajda Phd

Position: assistant professor

Institute: Institute of Pedagogy

Unit : Department of Psychopedagogy of Creativity


E-mail: agajda[at]

Social media: Google Scholar, ResearchGate,

Main research areas

  • Determinants of school achievement, including the relationship between creativity and school achievement, understanding, and defining creativity, methods of stimulating creativity, creativity and stereotypical thinking.

Publications, conferences, events


  • Doctor of social sciences, author of over 40 research papers (articles, chapters, and edited books). Co-author of two creativity-stimulating programs: "Creative Doodles: Adventures of Dragonfly Grażka" and "Creativity Compass. A program to develop creativity and multicultural competences”.

    Since 2008, she has been associated with the Maria Grzegorzewska University and the Creative Education Lab, she also cooperates with the University of Warsaw and the National Science Center.

    As a drama method trainer, she conducts workshops at the Drama Way Training and Development Center.

    He is a Senior Editor at Europe's Journal of Psychology.

fotografia osoby Aleksandra  Gajda