Prof. Dr. Agnieszka Konieczna, Assoc. Prof.

Position: professor

Institute: Institute of Special Education

Unit : Department of Education of the Blind


E-mail: akonieczna[at]

Phone: 22 589-36-00 wew. 3519

Main research areas

  • social integration: socialization and adaptation in school class, rules of social functioning, building of social relations, social competences, activities supporting social functioning, aggressive behaviour and conflicts at school; educational support: children with learning difficulties, didactic activities of teachers, inclusive and integrated education of students with special educational needs;

Publications, conferences, events


  • Academic career:

    2011 - postdoctoral of Humanities, Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Education, Faculty of Pedagogical Sciences


    Konieczna, A. (2020). „Nasza klasa”. Obrazy społeczności klas szkolnych: analiza empiryczna wzorów społecznego uczestnictwa jej członków ["Our classroom”. Images of school classroom communities: an empirical analysis of its members' patterns of social participation]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo APS. 

    Konieczna, A. (2019). „Nasza klasa”. Społeczne zachowania przestrzenne i reguły dystansu w społeczności klas szkolnych ["Our classroom”. Social spatial behavior and distance rules in a school classroom Community]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo APS.

    Hajnicz, W., Konieczna, A. (2018). Proces włączenia się dziecka do grupy o sformalizowanych regułach funkcjonowania [The process of a child joining a group with formalized rules of functioning]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo APS.

    Konieczna, A. (2015). Członkowie klasy wobec sytuacji ”odrzucania kolegi”: w poszukiwaniu podmiotowego kontekstu wspierającego deliberację w warunkach kultury konfliktu w klasie [ Class members in the face of "rejecting a colleague" situations: in search of a subjective context to support deliberation under conditions of conflict culture in the classroom]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo APS.

    Konieczna, A. (2009). Analiza struktury interakcji w sytuacji rozmowy indywidualnej nauczycieli z rodzicami o problemach szkolnych ucznia [An analysis of the interaction structure in the situation of individual teachers' conversation with parents about student's school problems]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo APS.


    Research projects

    Project carried out within the framework of own research „The process of the child's integration into a group with formalized rules of functioning” (project manager: W. Hajnicz and A. Konieczna) BSTP 20/17-I (2016-2017)

    Project carried out within the framework of own research „My classroom" - the image of the social world of diverse groups from the perspective of students - part I and II” (project manager) BSTP 22/18-I (2017-2018)

    Team research project „Teachers' practices: enhancing engagement in and/orversus disciplining students' learning?” (project manager) (2022-2023)

    Positions held 

    2020-2022 - member of the Senate Standing Committee on the conferral of the doctoral degree in the discipline of pedagogy

    2020-2024 - member of the Chapter of the Competition for the best thesis

 - ikona sylwetki