Agnieszka Dłużniewska Phd

Position: assistant professor

Institute: Institute of Special Education

Unit : Department of Deaf Education


E-mail: adluzniewska[at]

Phone: 589-36-00 wew. 3529

Main research areas

  • cognitive and metacognitive predictors of reading, reading comprehension difficulties, language development of children and adolescents with hearing impairment, learning difficulties, supporting of children with special educational needs and their families, inclusive education, special education

Publications, conferences, events


  • Academic  career: 


    Since 01.10.2011            The Maria Grzegorzewska University (Assistant Professor)

    2005                              Ph.D. in Education - Faculty of Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Lublin.

                                         Dissertation: Communication of preschool age children with hearing loss

    1995 -1999                     Postgraduate studies in Speech Therapist of Hearing Impaired People and Aphasia

    1992                              Master of Arts - Philosophical Faculty of the University of Maria Curie-          Skłodowska, Lublin



    Dłużniewska, A. (2021). Rozumienie tekstów literackich przez uczniów z uszkodzeniami słuchu [Reading comprehension in hearing loss students]. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza „Impuls”.  ISBN 978-83-8095-992-7, (s.317).

    Dłużniewska, A. (2019).  Metakognitywne strategie czytania i ich rola w kształtowaniu i doskonaleniu umiejętności rozumienia tekstów literackich przez niesłyszącą i słabosłyszącą młodzież [Metacognitive reading strategies and their role in shaping and improving the ability to understand literary texts by deaf and hard of hearing adolescents]. Logopedia, 48 (2), 87-104.

    Dłużniewska, A., Kuracki, K. (2018). Parents' well-being and coping with problematic behavior of their child with disability, W: Gómez Chova Luis, López Martinez Alberto, Candel Torres Ignacio (ed.), 10th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. Proceedings, vol. 1, IATED Academy, ISBN 978-84-09-02709-5, pp. 5039 - 504.

    Kucharczyk, I., Dłużniewska, A. (2017). Samoświadomość emocji i percepcja własna kompetencji społecznych a osiągnięcia szkolne uczniów z dysleksją w wieku dorastania [Self-awareness of emotions and own perception of social competences and school achievements of students with dyslexia in adolescence]. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe FREL. ISBN 978-83-64691-38-6, (s.158).

    Dłużniewska, A. (2016). Gesty jako predyktor rozwoju  komunikowania się u dzieci  prawidłowo się rozwijających oraz z zaburzeniami rozwojowymi [Gestures as a predictor of the development of communication in children with normal development and developmental disorders]. Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, 14, 73 - 88.

    Dłużniewska, A. (2015). Jakość relacji komunikacyjnych a tożsamość społeczna i kulturowa młodzieży z uszkodzeniami słuchu [The quality of communication relationships and the social and cultural identity of hearing loss youth]. Niepełnosprawność. Dyskursy Pedagogiki Specjalnej, 17, 39-51.


    Research projects:

    (2021-2025) Researcher in an international research project: A global investigation into the personal narrative skills of children and adolescents (GU Ref No: 2020/942). Project leader: Prof. Marleen Westerveld (Griffith University).

    (2020-2021) Project Coordinator: Polish Language Adaptation and Validation of the Parent Cognition Scale (J. D Snarr, A. M. S. Slep, V. P. Grande, 2009) (The Maria Grzegorzewska University, No BNS 33/21-P).

    (2018 -2019) Project Coordinator: Behavioral problems of children with disabilities and the qualitative and quantitative dimension of support received by parents (The Maria Grzegorzewska University, No BSTP 14/17-I).

    (2017-2018) Head of the team developing the concept of training and substantive materials in the field of raising the competences of Polish language teachers in working with students with special educational needs, implementing the general education core curriculum in public primary schools (educational stage II (Center for the Development of Education. The project implemented in 2017-2018.

    (2016) Participation in the project as part of the task commissioned to the Catholic University of Lublin by the Ministry of National Education (contract No. MEN / 2016 / DWKI / 1272) involving the development of guidelines for authors and publishers of school textbooks for students with learning difficulities caused by language disorders.

    Positions held: 

    Reviewer in Universal Journal of Educational Research

    Polish Cognitive Linguistics Association

    Polish Society of Cued Speech Method

    2015 – 2020 – Deputy-Editor-in-Chief of Szkoła Specjalna

 - ikona sylwetki