Katarzyna Kruś MA

Position: assistant

Institute: Institute of Special Education

Unit : Department of Education and Rehabilitation of People with Intellectual Disabilities


E-mail: kkrus[at]aps.edu.pl

Phone: 22 589-36-00 wew. 3530

Main research areas

  • family support for a child with disabilities, behaviour of people with profound intellectual disabilities, methods of education and therapy of a child with disabilities

Publications, conferences, events


  • Academic career 

    assistant in the Department of Education and Rehabilitation of People with Intellectual Disabilities, MA degree in special education majoring in Rehabilitation of People with Multiple Disabilities,


    Aksamit, D., & Kruś-Kubaszewska, K. (2021). Trudne drogi adaptacji matek do głębokiej niepełnosprawności intelektualnej dziecka (Difficult ways mothers face to adapt to their child's profound intellectual disability). Szkoła SpecjalnaLXXXII(1), 39–54. http://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0014.8060

    Gałkowska, M., & Kruś-Kubaszewska, K. (2021). Zapobiec wykluczeniu – rola terapeutów i rodziców we włączaniu dziecka z niepełnosprawnością do systemu edukacji (Preventing exclusion - the role of therapists and parents in including a child with disabilities in the education system). Szkoła Specjalna82(5 (311)), 370–386. http://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0015.6297

    Kosewska, B., & Kruś-Kubaszewska, K. (2021). Wolontariat w obliczu pandemii – stan, możliwości oraz wyzwania dla pokolenia X, Y, Z (Volunteering during pandemic time- status, opportunities and challenges for generations X, Y, Z). Praca Socjalna36(4), 205–223. http://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0015.3568

    Kruś-Kubaszewska, K., & Walczak, G. (2021). Dostosowanie warunków przestrzeni terapeutycznej do indywidualnych potrzeb i psychofizycznych możliwości osób z umiarkowaną i znaczną niepełnosprawnością intelektualną (Adaptation of the conditions of the therapeutic space to the individual needs and psycho-physical abilities of people with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities). Niepełnosprawność. Dyskursy Pedagogiki Specjalnej, (43), 164–177.

    Research projects
    Acceptance. Participation. Solidarity - Norway grants, EEA/21/K1/D1/W/0009

    Habilitas! Learning through gameplaying - strategic partnership project, 2020-1-PT01-KA202-078758

    Inclu-aging, 2021-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000026916

    Masters of didactics - project within the Operational Programme Knowledge Education Development co-financed by the European Social Fund

    Positions held 

    A board member of Maria Grzegorzewska Foundation. Coordinator of the Erasmus+ programme, manager of postgraduate studies Diagnosis and therapy of a child with sensory integration disorders.


fotografia osoby Katarzyna  Kruś